A Short Study In...Overload

A Short Study In…Overload

The next in a regular series of short, 30-second reads about assumptions on design.

 "You've got to tell people everything they are going to get from your services or products.


You may feel that if you leave something out, people think you don't do it.  You may be diluting your value message.


…you have a few service packages, one of which is "Advanced". 

How many bullet points for your Advanced Service will people read?

  1. 15

  2. 5

  3. 2

  4. 0

  5. Ha!  You forgot to list something!

(NOTE: "It Depends" will never be an answer because, frankly, it is always correct!  Everybody's situation is different.)

I will report on responses to this study in a future post.  Let me know your thoughts! 

--Your Neighborly Designer Man at Up A Notch Design